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During the last 1 ½ years, volunteers conducted three events aimed at clearing roadways, washes and private properties in and around Landers of illegally dumped tires. Each “round up” broke the previous record for tires collected and this Saturday’s effort was no exception. Reporter Mike Lipsitz was there…

Saturday’s Tire Round Up in Landers was successful beyond all expectations with estimates well in excess of 2,200, mostly illegally dumped, tires turned in. The number compares to the approximate 1,000 tires collected this past April, and an estimated 800 collected one year ago. Landers Association President Roxanna Shamay told Z107.7 News that while many more of the rubber eyesores still litter our desert, there is no doubt that these tire round ups are making a positive impact here. Saturday’s tire round up administered by County Code Enforcement and financed through CalRecycle. CalRecycle collects disposal fees when new tires are purchased and, in turn, redistributes those funds through grants that pay for education about proper tire disposal, enforcement of disposal requirements, and for clean ups such as the one Saturday. The more than 2,200 tires collected this weekend will be processed for a variety of new, environmentally-friendly uses.

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