San Bernardino County Voter Turnout plummets since 2020 Election


San Bernardino County saw a nearly 40% voter turnout for the Statewide General Election this month, with 39.48% casting votes according to the unofficial election results released by on November 22.

The turnout this month reflects an 18% decrease since the last Statewide General Election in 2018 and an almost 37% decrease since the Presidential Election in 2020. Mail-in votes consistently outnumbered in-person voting by 7-10 times, representing a strong trend in the Basin of favoring mail-in ballots over polling places.

The Town of Yucca Valley’s Measure K appears to be the big winner, with 71.94% of YES votes over only 28.06% of NO votes. This measure, if passed, will raise the taxes on travelers staying in local motels, hotels, and short-term rentals from 7% to 12%, levelling up to the higher tax rates imposed by surrounding communities.

According to, this new tax will not affect residents or local homeowners, but will help to improve the town’s infrastructure, services, parks, and affordable housing programs.