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Part of the state’s efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19 includes imposing various mandates with which business owners and managers must comply. Now a team of county agents from Environmental Heath Services are calling on area businesses to help them achieve compliance. Here’s reporter Mike Lipsitz with more on the program…

According to the county, the vast majority of area businesses have been enthusiastic about the Education, Engagement and Enforcement, or EEE plan. In the program’s first two weeks, more than 1,600 businesses were visited and offered suggestions for implementing protective measures, and practical solutions customized for their operating environment. The program largely focuses on bars, restaurants, gyms, and other high-risk businesses but agents are also responding to the public’s reports of establishments that appear to be ignoring public health mandates. According to the county, less than three percent of businesses continue to defy COVID safety directives. The county is also working closely with the cities as they increasingly aim to monitor businesses within their own jurisdictions.

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