The Morongo Basin Rotary Clubs’ food drive in March raised enough food and cash to provide more than 100,000 meals to benefit hungry residents and food banks in the Morongo Basin. Rotarians were at all Stater Brothers locations in Yucca Valley and Twentynine Palms Saturday, March 14, and collected more than $9,000 in non-perishable food items and $1,400 in cash donations.

Standing from left are Paul Hoffman, District 5330 area assistant governor; Tom Ziegart for Twentynine Palms Methodist Church; Dennis Potter for Way Station; Jim Wilson for American Food Pantry; Tom Dailey for Yucca Valley Sunset Rotary; John Zaccaria and Jimmy Nutter for Joshua Tree Rotary. Seated from left are Mary Helen Tuttle for Joshua Tree Rotary; Mary Towne for Yucca Valley Sunset Rotary; Linda Sande for Joshua Tree Rotary; Lori Cosgriff for
29 Palms Food Pantry and Annelies Kuiper for Copper Mountain Mesa Community Association.