Here with some reminders for ORV riders is staff reporter Sara Snyder…
This time of year, the Morongo Basin will experience an increase in off-road activity and illegal trespass. Riders need to respect private property and public lands by riding responsibly. Make sure that your actions do not ruin the off-road experience for others. According to county, state, and federal laws, ORVs are not allowed on any county service area roads; ORVs are not allowed on private property without written permission; public lands are closed to ORVs unless on signed routes; there is no cross-country riding in the Morongo Basin. Please respect our private and public lands by obeying ORV rules and regulations. The only open riding areas are found at the Johnson Valley State ORV Recreation Area, off Highway 247 north of Yucca Valley. If you observe any illegal activity, contact the Sheriff’s Department immediately at 760-365-9413. Reporting for Z107.7, this is Sara Snyder.