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San Bernardino County, like numerous other counties throughout the state, is seeing a rapid increase in positive tests for COVID-19 — and worse, a significant increase in hospitalizations due to the disease. This week has seen the highest numbers yet in the county for new cases and hospitalizations, and a steady increase in ICU beds since June 17. Governor Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday the mandatory closure of all bars and indoor operations for restaurants and indoor entertainment venues. Many people have let down their guard and ignored safety guidelines. Managing editor Tami Roleff says with the holiday weekend, now is not the time to ignore safety guidelines about social distancing, face coverings, hand washing, and crowds…

Many people are getting cabin fever and are tired of dealing with the guidelines established in response to COVID-19, especially with the coming Fourth of July holiday weekend. It’s a traditional time for gathering in groups, having neighborhood block parties, picnics, or barbecues and joining with others to watch firework displays—all things that are a problem in this pandemic.

The county reminds residents that guidelines for social distancing, facial coverings, and hand washing are all are to help prevent the spread of the virus and allow us to avoid further restrictions. This holiday weekend could be pivotal in San Bernardino County. 

Residents are urged to avoid gatherings with people outside of your household, wash your hands often, and when in public, use face coverings and keep your distance from others. Also, make an appointment for a COVID-19 test at Copper Mountain College in Joshua Tree by visiting http://www.sbcovid19.com.

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