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Yardwork in the desert can almost be impossible with the extreme heat, however even under these circumstances volunteers are still willing to give
back. The Reach Out Morongo Basin would like to recognize volunteers from the Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center. Reporter Tanisha Cureton shines the spotlight…

While most residents spend most of their time in air-conditioned homes, here’s another great story of some amazing volunteers spending their time outdoors. Military personnel from 1 st Battalion 7 th Marines Division, Marine Wing Support Squadron 374, Naval Hospital-Twentynine Palms, Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, and 1 st Tanks Battalion, and coordinated by the First Class Petty Officers Association helped a disabled neighbor on Saturday, May 12. These volunteers pulled up and leveled the neighbor’s stone walkway for easier access with her walker. Not only did they fix the walkway, they even did some other yard work too.

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