Reach Out Morongo Basin Holiday Potluck on 12/10

Reach Out Morongo Basin invites donors, volunteers, clients, and everyone in the community to attend its annual Holiday Brunch Potluck on December 10. The event will feature a holiday meal of ham and three side dishes, but attendees are asked to bring a dish to share. Entertainment will provided the Twentynine Palms High School Choir, who will sing Christmas carols.

Robin Schlosser, Executive Director of Reach Out Morongo Basin, describes the group’s holiday brunch as “a way for us to share our blessings of the past year and look forward to the new year with all of the people who make Reach Out Morongo Basin great.”

The event will be held Saturday December 10, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Twentynine Palms Senior Center, located at 6539 Adobe Road. They ask that you RSVP with your name, number of attendees and what you will be bringing at 760-361-1410.

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