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Joshua Tree National Park has been extremely popular with visitors this season. Ranger Pam Tripp has some tips to help you in planning your trip…
When planning your trip to Joshua Tree National Park, consider the following: What entrance will you use, and how long will the trip take?
There are three entrances to the park. The southernmost entrance is Cottonwood, off Interstate 10, approximately 52 miles east of Palm Springs. This entrance brings you into the Colorado desert with expansive views of desert plants and Mountains. Our west and north entrances in the towns of Joshua Tree and Twentynine Palms are located off Highway 62 and can be accessed from Interstate 10. These entrances will bring you into the Mojave desert portion of the park and will offer you views of the parks unique trees and boulder formations. Driving through the park will take at least 2 hours, not including hiking, scrambling, or stops for sightseeing. Add 1 to 2 hours more for the drive to and from the entrances from your starting location. For more information about planning your visit, call 760-367-5500.

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