If you happened to pass the bus stop in front of Onaga Elementary School yesterday afternoon, you might have noticed a commotion. Reporter David Haldane explains…
It started with simple taunts. Then it escalated into threats on the school bus. Finally, it erupted into violence against a La Contenta Middle School 7th grader videotaped by laughing students.
That’s when his mom, Ashley Gaona of Yucca Valley, decided to act. So, she and several other parents met their kids at the bus stop yesterday waving signs identifying themselves as the anti-bullying task force.
“My hope is that we can shine enough light on the anti-bullying. Maybe these kids will see that the community cares.”

The parents’ demonstration did, in fact, garner some attention. Reporters were there. Passing motorists honked their horns. And even La Contenta Assistant Principal James Powell showed up to show his support.
School officials say they have taken disciplinary action against the offending bully. But Ashley Gaona says it’s only a start; she and the other parents plan to be there again tomorrow.
“I’ll keep it up as long as I need to until I know my kid is safe.”