If you’ve noticed traffic in our Morongo Basin seems to get worse every year, you’re not alone. The County has also noticed and has directed a $200,000 grant from the Southern California Association of Governments to develop a citizen-driven Transportation Plan to make our Basin friendlier to bicyclists, pedestrians, and mass transit users. The goal is to have a network of sidewalks, bike lanes, and crosswalks in support of those not in automobiles. There are two upcoming opportunities for you to help shape the plan. Discuss your ideas tomorrow, Saturday, September 30, with representatives at the Arts Connection Conference, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Copper Mountain College Bell Center, and again on October 14 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Health and Community Resource Fair at Luckie Park in Twentynine Palms. For more information, call Stephen Martinez at 909-387-8169.