“Operation Take Charge” at Copper Mountain College tomorrow is offering a wide range of veteran’s services. Reporter Mike Lipsitz has details…
All veterans, active duty military, and dependents who find VA benefits and services can be confusing will want to attend Operation Take Charge! this Friday at Copper Mountain College. Billed as a Vet-2-Vet empowerment event, a Veterans Outreach Specialist from the Department of Veterans Affairs will provide information on a multitude of available services and benefits including readjustment counseling, Vet centers, healthcare, education, and home loan assistance. Friday’s Operation Take Charge! happens in Quad 100, room 12 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided; children are welcome. For more information call 909-801-5762 or connect with CMC’s Veterans Services at 760-366-3791, extension 5813.