Yucca Valley High School is looking for nominations to the school’s Hall of Fame. Reporter Taylor Thacker tells you how to propose someone for the honor…..
The Yucca Valley High School Hall of Fame committee is currently accepting nominations for the Third Annual Yucca Valley High School Hall of Fame ceremony to be held in June. The Hall of Fame honors YVHS graduates or individuals who are actively involved, either past or presently, with YVHS student athletes. To be nominated, graduates must have graduated 10 years ago or more and must have participated in at least one sport while in high school. You do not have to be a YVHS alumni to be eligible. The nominee must be a good role model for students and be willing to be present for the induction. Nomination forms may be downloaded from the Yucca Valley High School website at www.yvhs.net. The deadline for nominations is Friday January 10. For more information call 760-365-5534.