New closure dates have been announced for the Johnson Valley Shared Use Area. The Marine Corps will not conduct training during the previously scheduled period of October 18 through November 1, 2022. To support maximum public use of the Johnson Valley Shared Use Area, it will remain open for public use during that time. The next time that the Johnson Valley Shared Use Area will temporarily close to the public is April 26 – May 9, 2022.

The Johnson Valley Shared Use Area will temporarily close to the public for the following periods in 2023:

·         February 17 – 27, 2023

·         August 25 – September 4, 2023

Closure periods include the time required to ensure the Johnson Valley Shared Use Area is clear of recreation activity prior to military training and to confirm the land is clear of hazards prior to reopening the land for public access. The adjacent Johnson Valley OHV Recreation Area is unaffected by closures to the Johnson Valley Shared Use Area and remains open to the public for recreation and off-roading.

Training is conducted within Combat Center boundaries year-round, including ranges acquired through the land expansion bordering the Shared Use Area. The Marine Corps reminds the public to be safe and respect base boundaries when recreating near the installation. Individuals have a personal and legal responsibility to avoid trespassing on the Combat Center.

For additional information, including a map of the Johnson Valley Shared Use Area and adjacent Combat Center boundaries, please visit: or email the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at [email protected].