An ongoing construction project at Twentynine Palms High School will, when completed, streamline the school’s operations. ROP Broadcasting student Alex Silva previews the new administration building…
The new building being constructed on Twentynine Palms High School campus will serve a variety of uses. Principal Justin Monical says that the new building will centralize all of the campuses staff facilities to one location. Monical also says that the new building will save time for students and staff alike that must walk from the counseling office to the front office and back again on school days. Monical added that none of the existing school facilities will go to waste. The old office, he says, will be turned into a new computer lab for the students, and the old teachers’ lounge will be turned into a new classroom. A use for the old counseling office has yet to be decided, but Principal Monical assures us that everything will eventually serve a purpose.
Reporting for z107.7, I’m R.O.P. broadcasting student Alex Silva.