The blood banks that supply both Hi- and Low-Desert hospitals are in desperate need of O-negative blood. With the summer driving season upon us that need is becoming critical. Reporter Sara Snyder has more….

Lifestream, the region’s blood bank is in desperate need of O-negative blood, as there is insufficient supply to meet the demand of local hospitals. Only about 7 percent of the population has O-negative blood. Those with O-negative blood are known as “universal donors” as their blood can be accepted by all others, regardless of the recipient’s blood type. O-negative blood is especially critical in emergencies when there’s no time to determine the recipient’s blood type. However, when someone with O-negative blood needs a transfusion, their system can only accept O-negative blood. For the location and hours of LifeStream donor centers and mobile blood drives, call 800-879-4484.
LifeStream will hold a community blood drive on Wednesday, May 29, at the “new” Stater Brothers in Yucca Valley, 58060 29 Palms Highway, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. LifeStream now offers donors free cholesterol screening with every blood donation. All prospective donors should be free of infections or illness, weigh at least 110 pounds, and not be at risk for AIDS or hepatitis. To make an appointment to donate blood, call 800-TRY-GIVING.