For the ninth year in a row, Naval Hospital Twentynine Palms has been awarded a coveted Blue-H Award from the Navy Surgeon General. Reporter Heather Clisby has details…

In recognition of its organized approach to promoting healthy lifestyles, Naval Hospital Twentynine Palms (NHTP) has earned the annual Blue-H Award from the Navy Surgeon General for the ninth consecutive year. Tanya Stuckey, public health specialist in the Directorate for Public Health, is being credited for compiling the Blue-H Award submission.
For six years, Stuckey has led the Health and Wellness Council, a team of hospital and social service professionals who brainstorm each quarter on how to maximize outreach in promoting family advocacy programs and healthy lifestyle habits.
The Blue-H Navy Surgeon General’s Health Promotion and Wellness Award is bestowed at three levels: Bronze Anchor, Silver Eagle, and Gold Star. NHTP was awarded the Gold Star, along with other facilities in Ridgecrest and Bridgeport.