Using native plants in your home garden supports the Mojave Desert’s unique biodiversity and adds a rich, natural beauty. Hilary Sloane will share Mojave Desert Land trust’s tips on cultivating an arid oasis…

With environmental threats like habitat loss and climate change, wildlife and pollinators appreciate the sanctuary of your yard. As native plants are well-adapted to this climate and soil, they require less water and don’t require fertilizers, making them a low-maintenance way to beautify your outdoor spaces. The best time to plant perennials, shrubs, and trees are the fall and early winter to give plants time to establish a healthy root system and build energy for the growing season. The best planting season for Annuals is from October to late November.


Most native plants perform better without fertilizer or respond negatively to fertilizer. Desert native plants adapt to soils that are low in nutrients, so adding extra nitrogen in compost or fertilizer is not necessary. In addition, nitrogen promotes foliar growth and may delay root establishment. Mulching with inorganic materials like rocks or gravel is recommended instead of organic materials like bark. Mulching, in general, can help retain moisture, reduce erosion, and control weeds.

Planting Technique:

It’s all about the hole you dig and how you handle the live plant. The hole should have irregular surface walls and be slightly larger than the plant’s root ball. Measure the height of the plant’s root ball and make the hole no deeper than the root ball. The spot where the stem meets the soil should be about ½ inch above the surrounding grade. Before planting, fill the hole with water to check the drainage. Once the water has drained through, gently slide the plant out of the container, hold the root ball and place it in the hole.

Start by replacing the loosened backfill you removed while digging the hole. Gently tamp it down, so the plant is stable. You can add more water as you fill the hole or afterward. Avoid burying the collar of the plant. Instead, build a berm with the extra soil around the outer dimensions of the hole to retain water.

Water the root ball and the planting area thoroughly after planting. Remove any nursery stakes, if present. If necessary, re-stake the plant loosely. Avoid pruning at this time. A “nurse rock” should be placed on the south side of the plant to maintain soil moisture but keep it a few inches away from the base of the plant.


Many native plants can survive with minimal supplemental water once they are established (after 2–5 years). New plants, however, need to be watered more frequently than established plants. Always water deeply. Light, frequent irrigations create shallow, weak root systems. Deep, less frequent irrigations encourage a deep, healthy root system that can tolerate more extended periods of drought.

As plants mature, their root systems expand. Mature root systems are typically 1½–4 times wider than the plant canopy. If hand watering using a berm, increase the diameter of the basin as the plant matures. If using drip irrigation, move emitters away from the plant’s trunk and add more emitters at and beyond the dripline.

The basic desert watering schedule for new plants

Weeks 1–2: Water every 1–2 days in summer, 3–4 days fall through spring

Weeks 3–4: Water every 3–4 days in summer, 6–7 days fall through spring

Weeks 5–6: Water every 4–6 days in summer, 7–10 days fall through spring

Weeks 7–8: Water every 7 days in summer, 10–14 days fall through spring

After week 8: Gradually extend the time between irrigation until the plants are established (2–5 years).

After the first summer, there is rarely a need to irrigate more than once a week. Once established after the first couple of years, plants except annuals can be watered once every 1–3 weeks in summer and 2–4 weeks fall through spring.

Keep in mind this is just a suggestive guide – keep an eye on the plant and the weather.

Staking and pruning

When possible, remove stakes at the time of planting. If stakes are needed, make sure they are loose and allow the plant to sway without falling over, allowing its trunk to become stronger.

Never allow ties to become tight around the trunk. Remove or adjust stakes after one year.

Pruning will be dependent on the individual plant species. It is best to prune trees while still young but wait until after the first year. Leave growth on the lower trunk for up to two years to allow the tree to grow strong.

MDLT recommends you plant your new plant in the ground because it will be easier to maintain, but sometimes that is not always possible right away. If you keep your plant in its container, please place it somewhere that gets plenty of indirect sunlight. You will need to pay attention to the soil moisture and water when the soil becomes dry. It is advantageous to use a cage to protect the plant from hungry animals during this phase.

For this story and more, go to the Mojave Desert Land Trust website at

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