National Public Lands Day is the largest single day of volunteerism each year on America’s public lands. It is also a fee-free day for visitors to Joshua Tree National Park. Reporter Mike Lipsitz has this on other ways to get involved…
Volunteers are invited to Joshua Tree National Park to participate in the 24th annual National Public Lands Day on Saturday, September 30, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Joshua Tree National Park will host a family-friendly opportunity for volunteers to work side by side with park staff. This year’s projects will include vertical mulching, Joshua tree measuring and graffiti clean-up. Register between 7:30 and 8 a.m. at Oasis Visitor Center on National Park Drive in Twentynine Palms. Volunteers should bring water, sunscreen, appropriate footwear, and a “can-do” attitude. All participants will receive a one-day park pass (while they last) for their time and energy. If you have questions, call George Land at 760-367-5507.