MVCSD meets tonight for first time in 4 months (7/19)


The Morongo Valley Community Services District Board of Directors is expected to meet in regular session tonight (July 19) for the first time in four months. The Board, which oversees the Morongo Valley Fire Department and Covington Park, has struggled to meet due to lack of quorum as three board directors have resigned since their last regular meeting in March.

With two new directors appointed to the board last week, Lynn Watts on July 11 by the County Board of Supervisors and Lance Fisher at a special CSD Board meeting on July 14, the CSD Board is expected to address a number of major issues that have remained unaddressed since their last March meeting.

The board is expected to appoint new officers, including a new President and Vice President, pass a resolution to assess and collect taxes for fiscal year 2023-2024, hire new legal counsel, and pass a resolution to move payroll in-house. The Board of Directors is also expected to set a date for an urgently needed budget workshop.

Tonight’s meeting begins at 6 p.m. and will be held at Covington Park in Morongo Valley.