The Morongo Unified School District Board of Trustees met in regular session last night to discuss the district’s annual financial audit and Department of Defense grant money. Assignment reporter Chris Fleischman has more details from the meeting…

The Morongo Unified School District Board of Trustees met in regular session last night at Joshua Tree Elementary School as roughly ten demonstrators displayed “recall” signs, some voicing opposition to mask mandates during public comment. With Board President Cathy Nelson absent, the trustees in attendance heard a presentation on the 2021 Annual Financial Audit.

Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services Amy Woods also delivered a presentation on the Department of Defense Education Activity (or DoDEA) Grant. The $500,000 grant, implemented over a five-year period beginning in 2019, provides military-connected student academic support, especially in the fields of STEM. Woods explained that the grant-funded Project Lead the Way, which offers hands-on, real-world curriculum to middle and high school students. The board later reviewed course outlines for two separate DoDEA Career Exploration Labs. The trustees also voted to approve the School Accountability Report Cards for 2020-2021, in addition to voting to approve a request to award a contract for network infrastructure upgrades.