The Morongo Unified School District Board of Trustees continued their regular session meetings in person last night with more demonstrations. Among those demonstrating were high school athletes and parents, voicing their concerns about quarantine guidelines for sports programs. Assignment reporter Chris Fleischman has the details from the meeting…

The Morongo Unified School District Board of Trustees met last night in regular session as protests of mask mandates and athletic protocols continued. A group of over a dozen student athletes were gathered in the multipurpose room well before the meeting with signs, and once open session began, several more students and parents entered. Over sixty people were in attendance.

During open session, the Board received an update from the certificated representative that a tentative collective bargaining agreement has been reached with the Morongo Teachers Association, including three weeks of paid parental leave and a 5.09 percent increase overall. According to the representative, voting on the agreement will happen soon. Afterward, during public comment, parents and students voiced their concerns over student mask mandates and athletic policies, including parents who were billed for COVID tests which are mandated by athletic programs. Others expressed frustration about not having input on agenda items, with some requesting a special meeting to address their concerns. According to the California Department of Public Health, there are legal requirements to implement universal masking in K-12 schools, and schools and employees may face financial liability and civil lawsuits for failure to implement these policies.

After public comment, the Board voted unanimously to approve the School Plans for Student Achievement for Yucca Valley High School, as well as Onaga, Yucca Mesa, Twentynine Palms, and Palm Vista Elementary Schools. Looking ahead to future agenda items, the Board plans two special meetings on October 5 and October 19 to discuss the adoption of the Governance Handbook, as well as a joint meeting with Copper Mountain College, planned for October 14 at 5 pm at Copper Mountain College.