Ten years ago, California’s “Move Over” law was expanded to include Caltrans vehicles. Motorists are required to move over a lane, or if unable to do that safely, to slow down when they see the flashing lights on Caltrans vehicles, law enforcement and emergency vehicles, and tow trucks. Managing editor Tami Roleff has more information about the “Move Over” law…

Every year, highway workers, law enforcement officers, emergency personnel, and tow truck drivers are killed or injured by motorists driving along California roads. Crews working on shoulders or closed lanes work just inches from moving traffic, so giving them some extra space helps keep everyone safe and traffic flowing. Inattentive driving, following too closely and speeding are the top three causes of work zone crashes – and all are preventable if travelers slow down, move over and pay attention in and near work zones. In California, failure to obey the Move Over law can result in fines of up to $1,000, plus points on your driver’s record.