Local News


On Monday (October 4) just before 5 p.m., a motorcycle rider suffered injuries when they went down in what was described as a single motorcycle traffic accident with no other vehicle involved near Mesquite Springs and Highway 62 in Twentynine Palms. During the crash, the rider’s helmet fell off his head and he suffered injuries to his head, hip, and back. The rider was transported to Desert Regional Medical Center. Reducing the number of motorcycle-involved collisions goes beyond training and prevention on the part of motorcyclists. Ernest Figueroa offers the following tips for motorists and motorcyclists…

Give motorcycles extra room. A minor rear-end collision involving a motorcycle can have major consequences. Look twice for motorcycles. Always check and double-check blind spots and mirrors before changing lanes or merging. Passenger vehicles should remain extra vigilant when entering or crossing intersections. Nearly one-quarter of all fatal collisions in California occur within an intersection.

For motorcyclists, wear a helmet and protective gear. Remember: “No skin below the chin.” It can save your life. Watch your speed. Assume people in cars do not see you. Try to stay out of blind spots, especially around large trucks. Lane splitting is not prohibited if done in a safe and prudent manner.

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