The Morongo Valley Community Service District Board of Directors had a lengthy agenda to cover at last night’s regularly scheduled meeting, resulting in a marathon four-hour session. Reporter Andrew Dieleman was there and files this report…
Last night’s meeting of the Morongo Valley CSD began with the swearing in of returning board members Kristina Brook, Laurie Klimowicz, and Gayl Swarat. The board then began the process of electing new officer positions, each member electing to maintain their current positions on the board. Gayl Swarat was re-elected as Board President, Kristina Brook as Vice President, Matthew Campos as Fire Commission Director, Laurie Klimowicz as Park Director, and Johnny Tolbert as Finance Director. The board then handed out two awards: volunteer Glen Shepherd received the Chuck Osborn “Volunteer of the Year” award and Morongo Valley fire department deputy chief Jim Brakebill received the “Above and Beyond” award. The board then held an informational discussion on the process of selecting board members for the CSD, reviewed and discussed the CSD’s Code of Conduct policy, voted to consolidate the CSD’s banking into one agency, and authorized the purchase of a new hose tester for the Morongo Valley Fire Department. The board then went into closed session to hold a Public Employee performance evaluation on the general manager; there was no public report. The board tabled its ad hoc committee reports and discussions on making the community center kitchen commercially compliant until the next regularly-scheduled meeting in January.