Morongo Valley CSD Approves Tree Trimming Bids, Discusses Halloween Event


The Morongo Valley Community Service District Board met Friday night (September 30th) to discuss final bids for the ongoing tree-trimming issue in Covington Park, as well as the upcoming Morongo Valley Halloween Extravaganza.

With efficiency and cooperation, last Friday’s MVCSD Board meeting was exemplar, when Board members reached a final verdict for their tree-trimming bid at Covington Park.

After spending the last month comparing some particularly expensive quotes from local arborists in the $10,000+ range, the Board proved the value of shopping around this week when they settled on West Coast Arborists at $4950.00, who not only provided the lowest bid but came with the assurance of solely dealing with government entities, therefore more well-versed in laws and regulations.

For the upcoming Morongo Valley Halloween Extravaganza, also at Covington Park, some pushback was reported from a local resident who sent a written complaint to San Bernardino County, questioning the event’s permit, insurance, and security measures. When the event organizer spoke at the podium, he assured he had gone through all the correct legal steps for a permit, security, and insurance, as well as acquiring approval as a non-profit.

Fire Chief James Brakebill responded, “The County has no jurisdiction down here when it comes to the fire department—I have the authority.” Brakebill testified event organizers went through all the correct steps to hold a safe and legal event, and that the fire department will be in attendance. Board President Christina Gorke confirmed, “We are good to go.”

A special closed session online meeting will be held tonight (October 3rd), where Board members will finally vote to settle year-long litigation regarding a fire department personnel issue.

Lastly, the CSD Board considered waiving associated fees for using Covington Park for the Warren family’s reunion next year, on account of the family’s donation of the land, but has asked Chief Brakebill to present the fee schedule. No decision was made on the matter, and the board will review the presented fee schedule.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.