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The Morongo Unified School District Board of Education gets back to work with a lengthy agenda tonight. Reporter Dan Stork runs down the schedule of items…
MUSD business starts early with a open workshop on Measure O Bond funds at 6 pm. After a closed session to deal with employee discipline, dismissal, and release issues, the Board returns to open session at 7. After approval of contract addenda for the three Assistant Superintendants, and the approval of many course outlines, most of them specific to Twentynine Palms Junior High, it will approve Dona Centner as the Early Start Parent Representative. The following approvals will be for several CAHSEE waivers and for the Regional Occupation Program (ROP) courses. Rounding out the action agenda is settling up vacation pay for selected employees, and the ratification of three additional high school graduates for the class of 2012. Up for review are course outlines in social skills, history, geography, and peer leadership, as well as several classified job descriptions, and board policies on animals in school and transportation for students with disabilities. The Board meets in the multipurpose room at Friendly Hills Elementary School.

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