The Morongo Unified School District Board of Trustees experienced some technical difficulties with its regular board meeting last night, which was not streamed live as agendized, but was posted on the District’s YouTube page afterwards at 10:30 p.m. Reporter Andrew Dieleman was invited to join the board’s private Zoom meeting, and files this report…

At last night’s meeting, the board held a lengthy discussion on specific elements of reopening district schools in January. Assistant Superintendent Amy Woods stated that the district is currently working with the Morongo Teachers Association to create a hybrid learning model for students, diagnose student learning loss, engage students in learning to make up for lost learning, and supply teachers with grade-appropriate education and curriculum content.

The Morongo Unified School District board of Trustees. From left to right: President Hilary Slotta, Trustee John Cole, Trustee Karalee Hargrove, Trustee Keri Condley, Acting Superintendent Sharon Florez, Assistant superintendent Amy Woods, and Assistant Superintendent Mike Ghelber

The board also discussed district athletics and heard recommendations from Yucca Valley High School Head football coach Jeremy Johnson and Director of Secondary Curriculum Dustin Howard on how to pursue with athletic programs and keep students safe. The board discussed the possibility of collecting a group of coaches and athletic directors to create a comprehensive COVID-19 compliant athletics guideline for when athletic programs resume.

Assistant Superintendent Amy Woods made two additional announcements: first that the school district is scheduled to received 2,200 computers over the next two weeks, which will put the district near a 1:1 ratio of distance learning devices to students in the district. Woods then reported the results of a recent parent survey regarding reopening if schools. Of the 60 percent of district parents who responded, nearly 72 percent reported preferring their students switch to a hybrid education model and 25 percent preferred keeping their students on a distance learning model. Nearly 68 percent of parents wished for their student to keep their district-issued computer at home, 58 percent of district parents would like their children to utilize district summer school programs, and 28 percent of parents would like to see their students use district buses.

400 refurbished Dell laptops were meticulously inspected and upgraded by Edison International before being shipped to Twentynine Palms High School. Courtesy photo from Edison International.

Next, the board was treated to a short song recording of 30 students from the Twentynine Palms High School select choir. Each student recorded their portion from their own home and Twentynine Palms High School Music Director Mike Mayes combined the voices into one collective song. The Board applauded the talented students and the creativity of the project.

In honor of disabilities awareness month, the board also heard a presentation from MUSD Special Education (SELPA) Director Heidi Burgett on the numerous special education programs offered by MUSD, the number of students served, and the instructors who assist with the programs.

MUSD Special Education (SELPA) director Heidi Burgett discussed the numerous special education programs offered by MUSD in honor of Disabilities Awareness Month

The board then moved on to action items where they approved the revision of a December board meeting from December 8 to December 15 on the district meeting calendar, approved the district’s revised 2020-2021 Learning Continuity Plan and English Learner Master Plan, and approved requests for quotes for asphalt repaving, re-roofing, and re-painting at numerous district school sites.

Lastly, the board extended collective appreciation and thanks to former trustee Chris Proudfoot for his years of service and dedication to the Morongo Unified School District. Proudfoot was unable to maintain residency in his elected district area for the remainder of his term and resigned from the board on Friday, October 23.

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