Local News


The Morongo Basin is under a flash flood watch today. flash floods can strike any time and any place with little or no warning. In mountainous or flat terrain, distant rain may be channeled into gullies and ravines, turning a wash into rampaging torrent in minutes. City streets can become rivers in seconds. A flash flood watch means it is possible that rains will cause flash flooding in the area. Be alert and prepared for a flood emergency. A flash flood warning means flash flooding is occurring or is imminent in the area. Reporter Rebecca Havely says the following safety tips could save your life…
Keep alert for signs of heavy rain, both where you are, and upstream. Watch for rising water levels. Know where high ground is and get there quickly if you see or hear rapidly rising water. Do not attempt to cross flowing water on foot or in your vehicle. Six inches of water can reach the bottom of most vehicles and knock adults off their feet. Most vehicles will float in a foot of water and even heavy duty trucks and SUVs will be swept away by two feet of rushing water. If your vehicle stalls, abandon it and seek higher ground immediately. During threatening weather listen to Z107.7 radio for weather bulletins. Remember, if in doubt, turn around, don’t drown.

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