While you may think it could never happen to you, sexual assault is a real danger and concern for both sexes and all ages. Reporter Rebecca Havely says the Morongo Basin Rape Crisis Center is manning a 24-hour-a -day anonymous hotline…
It could never happen to me is one of the many myths about rape and sexual assault. The fact is that victims of sexual assault include both men and woman, and their ages range from infancy to the elderly. Rape occurs everywhere, every day, at all times. The Morongo Basin Rape Crisis Center is a full-service program, providing crisis intervention, on-going counseling and other support services to victims of rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse, and to their families and friends. With a combination of professional, para-professional and volunteer staff, the Morongo Basin Rape Crisis Center provides a 24-hour anonymous hotline, toll-free from all the communities of the Morongo Basin by calling 800-954-8044. Also available, free counseling for sexual assault and sexual abuse survivors and their friends and families, as well as accompaniment of sexual assault survivors to medical exams, police and legal interviews, and court appearances. The Morongo Basin Rape Crisis Center also has an active prevention, education and awareness program, with speakers available for professional education, schools and community groups with education about sexual assault, rape prevention, and our services to schools, professionals, community groups, and private individuals. For more information, call the business number at 760-369-3353.