The Morongo Basin Municipal Advisory Council, the MAC, tonight will get an earful on two vital local issues that are often ignored. Reporter David Haldane has the details…
What’s to become of Joshua Tree’s Section 6? No, it’s not a secret spot where UFOs have been sighted and aliens held. In fact, it’s a 605-acre desert parcel bisected by Onaga Trail east of Quail Springs Road that has, much to the chagrin of nearby residents, become something of an, well, unregulated playground for campers and off-roaders.
Now it looks like San Bernardino County, which manages the area as a special district, may finally be poised for action. To find out exactly what kind, attend tonight’s meeting of the Morongo Basin Municipal Advisory Council which will hear an update.
Other items on the agenda include a presentation by Joshua Tree resident Blake Baxter on the challenges of rural broadband.
Tonight’s meeting gets underway 6:30 p.m. at the Joshua Tree Community Center on Sunburst Avenue.