Morongo Basin Healthcare District BOD meets tomorrow (6/10)

The Morongo Basin Healthcare District Board of Directors is holding a special session tomorrow morning. The Directors will consider permanently moving their regular monthly business meetings from the second Thursday of each month to the third Thursday of each month. They will also discuss the board’s self assessment and strategic planning issues.

The meeting begins at 10:10 a.m. at the District Offices, located at 6530 La Contenta Road, Suite 400 in Yucca Valley.


This public meeting may be accessed through the Microsoft Teams platform.

Join the meeting by (1) visiting the District website at and (2) selecting at the top of the page the purple tab “Board Meeting Agendas” (3) Click on the URL link presented under the agenda buttons and (4) enter the meeting using the ID and Passcode listed below.

Access to the meeting will require the download of the Microsoft Teams application on the device being used if not already done so.

Meeting ID: 222 209 726 500
Passcode: 5Cdq34

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