The Morongo Basin Health Care District board will hold its regular meeting tonight. Managing editor Tami Roleff has the highlights of the meeting…
At tonight’s meeting of the Morongo Basin Health Care District Board of Directors, the directors will be asked to approve the transfer of $200,000 from the district’s investment funds to cover the costs of the food distribution project. Directors will also be asked to give direction about how to proceed in finding a new chief executive officer as current CEO Jackie Combs will be retiring as of July 15, 2021. Tonight’s meeting will be a virtual meeting.
Based on the California Governor’s Executive Order cancelling large gatherings and suspending certain portions of the Brown Act, this regular meeting of the Board of Directors will convene via GoToMeeting, an electronic platform for remote communication. No physical access will be provided for this meeting. The community is welcome to join the
meeting as follows:
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
This meeting is locked with a password: ##meetingPassword
You can also dial in using your phone at United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 360-541-893
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