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Thousands of new California laws went into effect on January 1, with many more scheduled to take effect beginning July 1. These laws include several California education laws. Reporter Andrew Dieleman fills us in on two of these new laws…

On January 1, California Senate Bill 126 became law. The new law requires charter schools in California to comply with the same public records, open meeting, conflict of interest, and transparency laws as other governing boards. The law also gives school districts more power over the creation of new charter schools in their communities. Additionally, on July 1, Senate Bill 419 will also become law. The new law will make it illegal for charter and public schools in California to suspend disruptive, or “willfully defiant,” students in fourth and fifth grades; and bans suspensions of disruptive sixth, seventh, and eighth graders for five years.

California Senate Bill 419

California Senate Bill 126

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