If you have an interest in an active role in conservation, the Mojave Desert Land Trust would like to train you as a land monitor. Dan Stork has details…
The Mojave Desert Land Trust is holding a day of Land Stewardship Training on Saturday, September 28, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Whitewater Preserve. The training provided will be for volunteer monitors, who watch over lands purchased by the trust, even after they have been donated to the National Park Service. Training includes: Locating properties in the field using a GPS unit and topographic maps; monitoring properties and maintaining a written and photo log; documenting threats such as illegal use of off-highway vehicles and dumping; field safety awareness course; and refresher GPS course for veteran volunteer monitors. Prerequisites for volunteers include the ability to hike an average of three miles off trail on moderate desert terrain. Pre-registration is required. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact MDLT Land Stewardship Coordinator, Mizuki Hanford at [email protected] or 760-366-0542.