A long-time favorite spot for local hikers inside the boundaries of Joshua Tree National Park has been purchased from the private owners and will eventually be transferred to the national park. The Mojave Desert Land Trust finalized the acquisition of the 60-acre parcel of land containing Samuelson’s rocks in June. John Samuelson was a homesteader, gold miner, and Swedish immigrant who carved his philosophies into the boulders around his property starting in 1927. The engraved boulders, complete with misspellings and imperfect grammar, provide insight to early homesteading life and life during the Great Depression. Park Superintendent David Smith was grateful to the Land Trust for the purchase. “Samuelson’s Rocks is truly one of the most unique historical sites we have in the California desert. It opens the door to a time when people were discovering the desert as a way of finding peace and rejuvenation. Having it in public hands is a wonderful gift to the American people,” Smith said.