The Town of Yucca Valley will hold informational sessions for the two tax measures placed on the November ballot for Yucca Valley voters. Measure Y would provide local funds (that are protected by law from the state), for local town services, including public safety and street and pothole repair. Measure Z is a special purpose local sales tax measure that would require all measure funds to be spent locally in Yucca Valley to reduce the assessment costs of the sewer system. If approved, the sewer measure will equitably reduce the costs of the sewer assessment for all phases by up to 30 percent per year. Managing editor Tami Roleff gives the dates and times of the upcoming meetings…
The next meeting with Town staff about Measures Y and Z will be held Tuesday, September 20, at 5 p.m., in the Yucca Room of the Yucca Valley Community Center, prior to the regular town council meeting. Additional informational sessions will be held October 18, and November 1, at the same location and time. Town staff are also available to give presentations to community groups about Measure Y and Measure Z. To schedule a presentation, call Lesley Copeland at 760-369-7207 extension 226.