Local News


The members of the Morongo Basin Municipal Advisory Council are not elected, but are appointed by the District Supervisor. Since they hadn’t been subject to voter scrutiny, we thought Morongo Basin residents should know something about the people representing the unincorporated areas of the Morongo Basin. Reporter Dan Stork asked them how long they’ve lived in their areas, their other community involvements, and what issues concern them, both for their home grounds, and for the Basin as a whole. Most of them responded. Today, we profile Gayle Swarat…
Gayle Swarat has lived in Morongo Valley for 33 years. She and her husband Bill produced the only field-studied map of the area, which has been used by many agencies. She was instrumental in getting the northern boundary of the Community Services District moved to near the top of the Yucca Grade. Among her concerns in Morongo Valley is the promotion of the Sand-to-Snow National Monument, and safety on State Route 62. She would like the MAC to be more forceful with regard to planning and zoning issues, in an effort to influence county processes.

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