Measure Z will reduce Yucca Valley sewer tax bills by nearly half

Yucca Valley sewer users will see a big reduction of their property tax this year, thanks to Measure Z

The Hi Desert Water District, which serves Yucca Valley, announced yesterday that property owners in Yucca Valley subject to the Phase 1 Sewer Assessment District number 2014-1 will pay $393.16 instead of the original $706.50 on their 2024/2025 property tax bill thanks to Measure Z (46% savings).

Measure Z is a half-cent sales tax passed by Yucca Valley voters in 2015. About half of the sales tax in Yucca Valley is paid by visitors and revenues are collected by the Town and passed to the Hi-Desert Water District to pay a portion of the annual property tax payments for the Phase 1 Sewer Assessment District.

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