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More debate tomorrow about Measure “K”, The County Board of Supervisors, and Chad Mayes tomorrow on the Z107.7 “Up Close” show. In November, voters in the County passed Measure K with a two-thirds supermajority. Measure K would limit supervisors to one four-year term and cap their pay at $60,000 a year. Assemblyman Chad Mayes then introduced Assembly Bill 428, in which county supervisor term limits could not be restricted to fewer than two terms and any adjustments to the supervisors’ compensation could only be made by the supervisors themselves. While AB 428 appeared to be going directly against what county voters already approved with Measure K, Assemblyman Mayes came on the Z107.7 Up Close Show to clarify the meaning of the bill, saying it does not apply to Measure K and only applies to areas where no local initiatives are in place. The Red Brennan Group, who sponsored Measure “K,” is disputing Mayes’ explanation. Tom Murphy and Natalie Zuk from the Red Brennan Group will be the guest on the “Up Close” show this Friday with the next chapter.

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