The Twentynine Palms High School International Thespian Society’s presents its spring play “Maybe Baby, It’s You.” With all the details here’s Rebecca Havely…

The comedy “Maybe Baby, It’s You” takes a fun, quirky look at relationships and love. The show is a tour de force of student talent. The cast of just eight actors plays a whopping 26 roles. The show was written by Charlie Shanian and Shari Simpson, with several additional scenes written by student Reina Acosta. Stage hands Teryn Humphries and Seaenna Simpson also designed the show’s set. Kamrin West created the light design as well as an original musical composition. Live piano accompaniment is provided by student Marcus Noil.

“Maybe Baby, It’s You” will run Friday and Saturday nights at 7, April 26 and 27 and May 3 and 4. Tickets at the MPR door are $5 for adults. Thanks to the generosity of the show sponsors, all students and children are free.

Show sponsors are: Silver Hanger Cleaners, Fuji Restaurant, Dr. Steven Geduld DDS, and the Rotary Club International of Twentynine Palms.