ROP broadcast student Colby Thomas says martial arts can build your body and your family. He talked with a local martial arts expert…
Many people are interested in martial arts, but not sure where or how to start. Not only can training be a way to get in shape and relieve stress, but according to Aaron Neveu, it’s even possible to train if you have a family! While many people use martial arts to get away and relieve stress, bringing your family with you can be just as good, and help families bond. Many people take their time off to train in martial arts, but there’s ways people can even use this to fend for their families. Not only does training physically make you better and more prepared to defend your family, but some people even provide for their families with martial arts. Neveu says, “I earn two separate incomes. One from teaching martial arts at hand to hand in Twentynine palms, but another from fighting professionally”. Overall, Martial Arts is for people of all ages, and the very best time to start is now.