The Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center has 930 square miles of desert which is used to provide realistic training for troops. Managing editor Tami Roleff says the Combat Center’s Range 400 is used to train Marines in the techniques and procedures for fighting enemies who are peers, or near-peers, of US forces…
“During the training, we are going up against the same type of capabilities that we ourselves have. So things like mortars, heavy machine guns, and integrating all those in order to allow the maneuver to get to that last 100 yards.”

Sgt. Allen Barmgardner a platoon leader from 1st platoon in 1st Bn, 5th Marines, Bravo Company, said the Integrated Training Exercise 3-21 gives Marines training in fire support and motorized fire and movement exercises.
Some of the exercises in ITX include reacting to simulated ambushes, IED strikes, and simulated injuries from hostile attacks.

Baumgardner said the training is extremely helpful for Marines preparing to deploy to war zones.
“I believe it prepares us because we’re fighting against the same things we have and we’re finding ways to counteract them.”