Local News


It’s a marathon at Sky’s the Limit Observatory and Nature Center tomorrow. Reporter Taylor Thacker explains……
Hardy stargazers are invited to a Messier Marathon on Saturday, March 29, at Sky’s The Limit Observatory and Nature Center. Starting at approximately 7:00 p.m. and ending at sunrise, this free event is open to the public and features a grand tour of Charles Messier’s deep sky objects, cataloged in the late 18th century. At this time of year it is possible to view most, if not all, of Messier’s 110 nebulae, galaxies, and star clusters in a single night. This will be a night of education in navigating the sky, reading star maps, and operating your telescopes. Participants will be able to view objects such as the Andromeda Galaxy, Crab Nebula, Milky Way, Leo, Virgo, Jupiter, Saturn, and many more! Everyone should bring snacks, water bottles, chairs, and a small flashlight (red lens preferred) and dress for unpredictable desert weather. For more information call 650-678-0179 or go online to www.skysthelimit29.org.

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