Morongo Basin school bus drivers have seen an alarming trend lately of drivers ignoring the red lights and stop signs on their buses, putting kids at risk. They remind drivers that getting on and off the bus is the most dangerous part of the school bus ride. If you run their stop sign, bus drivers can write down your license plate number, contact CHP and the vehicles owner will be contacted. All buses are equipped with cameras as well. To review the law, whenever the red, alternate flashing lights are illuminated, all traffic must stop in both directions, as students are loading or unloading and may be crossing the road. The policy is that bus drivers will escort all students across the road at “red light crossings.” Please be exceedingly aware of school buses that are stopped. California’s procedure for crossing students at bus stops is vastly different and safer than the procedure of any other state in the nation. When a student needs to cross the road and the stop is designated as a “red light crossing,” the driver will “escort” the students across the road. School buses are required to use the red flashing lights every time they load and unload students, not just when students cross the road. As a passing or following motorist, you are required to stop until the lights are extinguished to protect the students. If you fail to stop, you may be fined up to $1000 and your driving privilege could be suspended for one year. As you know, students may act in an unpredictable fashion. Stopping for the red lights prevents a potential tragedy.