Small groups of Marines fanned out across the Morongo Basin on Monday to help seniors, veterans, and disabled neighbors from Twentynine Palms to Morongo Valley with yard work, small chores, and home maintenance. More Marines will be helping Morongo Basin residents on Friday. Reporter Dan Stork tells what he saw and heard at one home in Joshua Tree…
World War II veteran and longtime Joshua Tree resident Richard Krekemeyer got some help through Reach Out Morongo Basin, the local people-helping-people organization. Working on behalf of Reach Out, four Marines hacked stumps out of the ground, and carted scrap lumber and brush into disposable piles. Lt. Col. Lee Rush, the commanding officer of the 1st Tank Battalion aboard the Marine Base in Twentynine Palms, said the benefits went both ways. “It’s an opportunity to give back to the local community for us—especially the chance to meet with some of these great veterans, telling stories and educating ourselves on what some of these guys have done in the past for us. It’s a tremendous opportunity for us, especially to bring some of these young Marines out here. And not just [for] the veterans—the local community has been good to the base, and we know that.” Working alongside Lt. Col. Rush were Sergeant Major Brian Priester and Lance Corporals Burden and Phillips. Six other residents around the Basin were scheduled for fix-up and clean-up help on Monday, and another three are set for Friday.