Two local fire engine crews are back home after a busy three weeks fighting wildfires. On September 25, Engine 461 from Morongo Valley and Engine 451 from the Combat Center in Twentynine Palms were sent to protect homes in North Tustin from the Canyon 2 Fire, where they fought the wildfire until October 12, when they were sent to fires in Napa County. Our local firefighters worked with firefighters from Big Bear, Barstow, Apple Valley, and Rancho Cucamonga, and an Oregon State Fire Marshall to save, among others, the Hess Winery in Napa. Morongo Valley and Combat Center firefighters were pulled off the fires in Napa Tuesday; the Morongo Valley crew was part of an initial attack against an Alameda vegetation fire, and the Combat Center engine was fighting the Atlas Fire near Sacramento. Wednesday both engines were released and sent back home.