First responders, such as firefighters/paramedics, are on the front lines in the COVID-19 pandemic, as they are called to help patients who may have been exposed to, or infected by, the coronavirus. Managing editor Tami Roleff explains how the first responders are protecting themselves…

County Fire Battalion Chief Scott Tuttle reassured the Yucca Valley Town Council at its meeting Tuesday that firefighters and paramedics are taking proactive measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and to keep first responders safe and healthy. The first steps are when people call 911.
“You call 911 and you talk to the dispatcher. They’re going to ask them questions. Do you have flu-like symptoms, do you have a fever, travel, been around anyone who’s traveled, if the patient has any high risk factors.”

He said the paramedics will take additional precautions before entering a home.
“We’re going to be coming in looking like some kind of a sci-fi movie. We don’t know at this point who has coronavirus and who doesn’t, so we’re going to have all our personnel in full personal protective equipment, including eye protection, N95 or N100 mask, gloves, latex gloves, and then possibly a Tivex suit or gown.”
While these measures may seem extreme, Tuttle said they have a two-fold effect.
“It reduces the spread of coronavirus and also keeps our first responders healthy.”