A stay-at-home dad who’s written award-winning short stories has just published his first novel presenting an alternative United States history. Reporter David Haldane explains…
Choices matter.
That’s what Brent Harris wants you to take away from his new novel, “A Time of Need.” In it, he imagines what would have happened had George Washington sided with the British during the American Revolution.
Hint: a lot.
A long-time student of both history and science fiction, the 37-year-old house husband in Twentynine Palms juggles his writing career with caring for two kids while his Navy lieutenant wife works at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center.
The book’s point? “That basically all your choices do matter. That what we do now will define our future.”
Harris will do a reading at Space Cowboy Books in Joshua Tree October 16 from 3 to 5 p.m.
The book is available on his web site at www.brentaharris.com or on Amazon at Mybook.to/ATimeofNeed.