Limits that were placed on the senior meal programs in the Morongo Basin have been lifted, effective Monday, according to a spokesman at the Family Service Association, which funds the program. Tom Donahue said about $300,000 in federal funds for the senior nutrition program had been cut this fiscal year due to the federal sequestration last fall, which meant that limits had to be placed on the number of meals the area’s senior centers could serve each day. But Donahue said the FSA has secured additional funding from community groups, businesses, local governments, and the federal government, and so the limits have been lifted. The Twentynine Palms Senior Center had been serving 35 to 40 people per day, but under the meal caps, they were limited to 21 meals per day. The Joshua Tree center went from feeding 40 seniors to 25, and the Yucca Valley Senior Center had about 10 people cut from its program, going from 50 meals to 40 meals per day.